The name says it all. Empower your condominium association to provide highly accessible information to your owners while drastically cutting the workload of your management team.
Your fully featured membership to EZ Condo Tools includes a secured website and smart phone application where you can load your community documents and forms, list emergency contacts and display community messages.
A great looking website for your community in minutes. Owners will have a wealth of information and all without you answering a single phone call or email. Zero programming knowledge needed. Take a photo, write a short welcome message, upload your documents and your done. Your Website made EZ.
Your community website is secured with a user login. Simply invite owners by uploading your community email list with our bulk utility. Everyone is automatically sent a Welcome Email invitation and a link. Users manage their own passwords and subscription. It is all automated from start to finish.
Documents at a click, minutes, financial statements, AGM Notices, forms, etc. All delivered to your owners and tenants without answering a single email or phone call. Upload any PDF document such as a move booking, enterphone change, paint codes, Locker assignments, etc.
You may choose to send smart phone instant notifications automatically to your owners when a new document is posted. You may also choose to include tenants in notifications if the document is applicable.
Landlords have the ability to add their tenants as users who will then have limited access to the website for bylaws and forms.
It has never been easier to keep owners, tenants, and agents informed. EZ Messaging empowers you to send instant messages via email, smart phone "push" notifications or website postings.
Send reminders for fire inspections, community events, time sensitive messages about hot tub closures or garage door repairs. Post your elevator paper notices to user’s smart phones. Administrators can generate messages from anywhere using their browser on their smart phone. EZ messaging is a great feature.
EZ Condo Tools is the latest in innovation web applications designed to empower property management companies to provide an enhanced service experience for their customers while reducing your management team workload. To find out more about how easy it is to keep your services "Top of Mind" with branded services; EZ-Website, EZ-Document and EZ-Messaging. click here
The EZ smart phone application is available for android or iPhone and will download from the Google Play Store or from the Apple Store. Managers, owners and tenants can be a member of multiple communities which can be opened from the community list. Users can update their profile, open documents and read instant messages. The phone application also has a list of community contacts for emergencies or inquiries.
Administrator users can utilize their smart phone internet browser to send instant messages from anywhere.
We offer an EZ Setup option to save your management team or condo board time. Our office will setup your EZ Website for you, we will load up to 50 documents (minutes, financials, etc.) and we will also add your user emails. It doesn't take long but we can take it off your hands.
Add EZ Setup at Checkout $79
For a limited time we are offering free setup with a 3 month subscription!
Setup is fast and fun. In just a short time you will have your webpage displayed, users added and you are ready to post your minutes and send community messages.